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Simple electronic games can be constructed at work benches and encourage users to develop a hands-on relationship to computer games as opposed to being passive consumers. While smaller children put together and paint their games following the Lego principle with “PaintOn Games” or “GameBlox”, children ten years and above, young adults and adults are assisted to solder together and program the “Mignon Game Kit”. It provides a good opportunity to experiment with inexpensive components such as light-emitting diodes.

Quicktime Video Dortmund

Quicktime Video Seoul

For workshop participants the “Mignon Game Kit” costs 39€. Experience has shown it to be a good idea for the workshop organizer to cover approximately three quarters of this sum, so that participation remains affordable for everyone.

As one workshop instructor is only able to supervise about four participants at one time it is recommended to book additional instructors for larger events.

The Game Kit can be put together in one day. Workshops lasting several days provide the opportunity to explore the subject, in particular the field of programming, in greater depth.



for students:
"Between Impulse and Display" PDF
  Poster for the presentation of the Games Kits PDF
for kids: "Gameboy Workshop" PDF DOC
  "Minimal Games Workshop" Timetable DOC

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